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Al-Wadeeah Resident Foreign Currency Deposit Account (Rfcd)

Who are Eligible

Persons ordinarily resident in Bangladesh may open with foreign exchange brought in at the time of their return from travel abroad.

Time Bar of Opening A/C

Any time after returning to Bangladesh. However, upto USD 5000 or equivalent can be deposited any time after returning from abroad while amount exceeding USD 5000 or equivalent (with declaration to customs authority in FMJ Form) can be deposited within one month of return from abroad.

What to deposit

Foreign exchange brought in from abroad in the forms of notes, coins, TCs, draft, etc. can be deposited only to such account.

Deposit balance may be used

Balance of RFCD accounts may be sent abroad through banking channel, encashed to BDT for local disbursements or currency notes, TCs & cards while proceeding abroad.

A/C Opening Requirements

     2 copies of recent PP size Photograph

     Photocopy of Passport

     Photocopy of work permit and salary certificate or employer’s certificate.